It’s always the same story. You think of turning a profit by creating a website for your company or by opening an online shop. Soon after you will realize that your efforts do not yield any results. Nobody visits your site because nobody knows it exists. There is a lot of competition out there for people’s attention, especially on the internet. So eventually you will come across the terms “search engine optimization†(SEO) and “link buildingâ€. And this is when you will be faced with numerous SEO tools which all promise to take your website or online shop to the top positions in search engines.
But Can You Trust These Tools?
First of all, anyone who claims to be able to get your website to #1 in Google & Co. simply by making use of their tool should not be trusted. Rather you should take a look at those service providers who offer to help you in making your online marketing and SEO processes more efficient and thus less time-consuming. The most remarkable tool in this regard is “a little engine that could†called linkbird. It offers a highly flexible software solution for managing your entire SEO linkbuilding, online PR and content marketing.
Check out a short video on linkbird here first:
Research Link Building and Content Seeding Sources
As you probably know, a crucial factor in content marketing is reach and it is therefore important to find influencers, multipliers and other relevant websites for spreading your content across the web.
The linkbird Sitehunter is a powerful tool in this regard:
It combines features like Google Suggest, Google Search, XOVI and other standard metrics
It shows you social website metrics with customizable filter options
It offers you an integrated CRM
Thus the Sitehunter can be used as a synonym for an automated and efficient website research process delivering valuable potential link sources for effective content seeding.
Never Lose a Backlink
When doing link building to boost the visibility of your website on the internet, however, you will soon come across webmasters that have the bad habit of agreeing to give you a backlink that they then will deactivate short after publishing.
In order to identify such wasted link potentials, the linkbird backlink checker will help you to:
validate all captured links automatically on a daily basis
immediately see your link status without any further manual efforts
send you a report whenever a backlink goes offline
Monitor your Brand and your Keywords
But it’s not only important to know about your link status, but also about your brand status. Brand monitoring is an indispensible part of any online marketing strategy. You need to be aware of your mentions in order to be able to react upon them and proactively build your brand.
The linkbird Alerts help here
to keep you up-to-date
to keep your company ahead of your competition
to choose the rights keywords to be monitored for your campaigns
to get your own or your competitor mentions delivered straight to your screen on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
Manage Your Contacts
After successfully managing your links and brand mentions, you should focus on building a CRM for future content seeding campaigns and newsletter campaigns.
The integrated linkbird database of partners and their networks allows you to
archive and foster your contacts
engage with them directly through the tool
track your communication history with them
to make conversations transparent and personal to everybody in your team
Finally, a clear and highly diagnostic reporting is key to being able to optimize processes and tap into unused potentials.
The linkbird Reporting feature offers
automatically created data sheets
illuminating graphic displays full of various SEO insights of interest
automatic PDF reports sent via e-mail to supervisors, customers and yourself
Overall, linkbird is a great All-In-One solution for your online marketing. It offers all the features necessary for smooth and time-saving workflows, efficient link building, successful content seeding as well as effective monitoring. It can be tricky at first to understand the purpose of some features, while others seem perfunctory in the beginning. But if applied correctly, this remarkable package will definitely make you fly high. Can’t wait to test the forthcoming content marketing update that’s in the making right now!