So…not another tool you might think and we sometimes agree that the market is flooded with tools, that more or less are covering the same field.
However, we’ve recently discovered that a new tool with unseen features is going to launch. Â It’ll be called, which is built and marketed by the Tandler&Doerje Partnership, which most of you probably know from Marcus Tandler aka Mediadonis.
What’s interesting about is the fact that it’s been developed solely for onpage stuff and seems to have a new approach to the always neglected onsite optimization.
Since it’s not public yet, we’ve only heard some insder info: The tool will analyze internal link structures, code issues as well as other onsite factors.
The revolutinizing approach is given by the fact that the onpage changes can be tied to SEO rankings and a To-do recommendation engine and a task manager.
To explain this further: might tell you to change a few internal links, which you then will be able to track and anzlyze through a dashboard.
Overall…the team takes here an extremely interesting approach and esp. for larger sites and home-grown CMS’s this could be very valuable. Besides Covario’s SEO software and Conductor (which play solely in the enterprise field) there is not really any comparable SEO tool, that we are aware of. That’s why we are excited and are and are looking forward to the launch. It was about time that someone develops a different solution to the onsite vs. offsite SEO prioritization dilemma.